Tips for Preparing for a Long Distance Hike

Some people decide to go on a long distance hike and they simply sling a loaded pack on their back and set out.  I’ve also read accounts from long-distance hikers who say the training and getting in shape happens as you go.   If you’re one of those people, well, God bless you.  For mere mortals like me, preparation was essential.

Here are some of the things I did to prepare for my thru-hike of the Long Trail.

Hiked:  To prepare for hiking, I went, well, hiking.  My Long Trail hike would be a solo hike so a year out I started taking weekend trips by myself.  The biggest advantage to these trips was that it gave me the opportunity to find out what it was like to be in the woods alone and the confidence to know that I could handle it.  No, being out for a weekend isn’t the same as being out for an extended period, but it gave me enough of a taste to help me prepare mentally as well as a practical opportunity to field test different pieces of gear.

Experimented with equipment:  Speaking of gear, I researched and tested various gear, including footwear, backpacks, tents and clothing during my weekend jaunts.  I took advantage of REI weekend camping courses to try some of the gear they provided for free (and I rented some from them for a few of my solo trips).  You can go crazy with all the different gear choices available and I did.  I was agonizing over these decisions up until the day I left.  But I was able to make informed choices.

Walked:  I took every opportunity to walk as often and as far as I could in my regular life as possible, in addition to my weekend hikes.  Prior to the hike I lived in Washington, D.C., which is a good city to walk in.  I was walking up to 20-30 miles per week as the hike got closer.  If it was possible to walk somewhere, I hoofed it.  Even if it was raining.  Especially if it was raining.

Saw a doctor:  I’m in overall excellent health, but I’m of an age where I experience a few chronic conditions.  I made sure to see the appropriate doctors and make sure those conditions could be managed on the trail.

Read a book:  Lots of them.  I read as many books by hikers about their long distance hikes as I could.  I was most interested in what I could learn from them that would help me be successful.  Because I was already hiking I knew what some of my personal challenges would be so I looked for clues from them about how they overcame similar problems.

Researched the trail:  I learned as much about the Long Trail, weather in Vermont and the history of the trail as I could before my boots touched the ground.

Planned:  Out of my research I planned my hike, including my schedule, meals and resupply point. The schedule of course became a guideline that I followed (or not) once I was on the trail, one that I adjusted as I went.  But it helped me maintain progress, manage my daily goals and also keep up with my resupply plan.  Similarly, by planning my meals I made the most of the food I carried in terms of weight and caloric intake.   This may seem too structured for some – but you are always free to abandon your plan.  I found having a baseline to be helpful — plus it helped me better understand the trail and conditions I would face.

Got in better shape:  I hit the ground in as good as shape as possible.  Being in better shape helped me prevent injury, didn’t slow me down in the initial part of the hike and overall gave me greater confidence.  Of course my body got more hardened to hiking as I went, but I gave myself the best physical base to start with as possible.  I’m not saying you have to be in the shape of Tarzan before you hit the trail, but I would not go from being sedentary to walking 12-15 miles a day with a heavy pack on your back.  You’re asking for injury.

Broadcast my intentions:  My hike became a public endeavor.  I announced it to all my family and friends, started a blog and kept anyone interested informed.  Making a public commitment to my hike helped keep me focused both in preparation and in execution.

Involved others:  Even though I was taking a solo hike, I had a “support” team.  My mother served as quartermaster, preparing and sending my food mail drops.  She was also coach, giving me solid encouragement when I called to check in and by bucking me up during low points.  She was effective in this role because 1) she is a Mom and 2) because I involved her in my planning phase – so she was “trail smart” and was able to understand what I was doing and facing.  Other friends and family also pitched in.

These are some of the ways I prepared for successfully walking 272 miles over challenging terrain in the mountains alone.

How would you prepare?

2 responses

  1. Interesting–no wonder you were successful, you were prepared!

  2. Great job master hiker! We as part of your family enjoyed reading your blog and following along with you on our own map of the trail. We hope to do some (much shorter) hikes with you here in WA soon. – Pam

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